Joshua Lederberg and Norton Zinder showed that bacteria sometimes exchange genes by an indirect method, which they termed "transduction", in which a virus mediates the exchange by snaring bits of DNA from one bacterial cell and transporting the bacterial genes into the next cell it infects. But of course the structure of DNA, was made by James Watson with help from Francis Crick around the 1950's and it was discovered in Cambridge, England.
DNA is used for to lock someone up and more for example in a crime scence people leaves fingerprints and with DNA you can find who you are looking for. It's also used for DNA testing to see if you are actually blood related to your children,mother or father.So DNA is used for alot of stuff. And it has helped a lot in the past years. All because of James Watson and with the help of Francis Crick.
Written By: Joselyne T.
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