John Ernest Steinbeck was born on Feburary 27,1902 in Salinas, California. He was a German and Irish descenet. John Steinbeck grandfathers name was Adolf Grobsteinbeck, he shortened the family name to Steinbeck when he immigrated to the Unites States, their families farm in German is still named Brobsteinbeck. His father John Steinbeck was a Monterey County Treasure, his mothers name was Olive Hamilton was a school teacher. Steinbeck loved to read, he lived in a small town. He used to work in a farm with immigrants, he did like to wrok in fields at all so in 1919 Steinbeck graduated from Salinas High School and he went to Standford University. He left in 1925 with out a degree, he traveled to New York and was working not at good jobs while wanting to do his dream as becoming a writer, He got married in January 1930. He became famous on his story called
Tortilla Flat in 1935. He was 66 when he passed away in December 1968.
Written By:Fernanda C.
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